Dec 17, 2009

What's the Dress Policy?

A few weeks before I began working at my internship, I received a letter stating all of the company policies... my pay rate, the dress code policy, my work hours, etc. Seeing as to how I've never worked in a highly professional area, my "work clothes" were minimal. So with my last check from AH, I went and splurged on a few nice pieces to dress up what I already owned. A few pair of dress slacks, a couple pairs of shoes, and a few neutral colored tops. I was really dying for blazers though. I didn't, and still don't own any blazers.

To our surprise (mine and the other intern), the dress code we were given was a bit skewed. On the first day, we were both over-dressed. She had on high heels and a business suit, and I was dressed in a similar manner. It took us about a week to realize that that policy was simply a hoax.

Since I've been here, people have worn leggings, layered tank tops under jackets and blazers. I even noticed my SUPERVISOR wearing flip flops on a warm fall day. So much for a dress code policy. What sparked this buzz in my brain was the fact that one of my coworkers is absolutely outraged at the fact that we can't wear jeans to work. It's really confusing because our policy is already a bit relaxed, so what more should she be asking for? In my opinion, not a lot. I've also realized that I like to dress up a lot more than I like to wear jeans. They've become a little uncomfortable for me, but hey... to each it's own! It just gets frustrating hearing her complaints all the time about our inability to wear jeans. Come on now, as much as she makes, she should consider wearing suits everyday! Your work is minimal, you're making more than the value of your work, so what's the complaining all about??? Attention-seeker maybe! Let's keep some level of professionalism in our offices. That's all!


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