Don't think that I wasn't punished today for not attending work. As I pulled out of the McDonald's drive thru, my mouth began to water profusely. I couldn't wait to wrap my lips around the straw of my large sweet tea. What a relief it would have been. But since I live in crappy Michigan, and it decided to snow today, my $80 boots from Baker's Shoes decided to slip under my car door sending both my hash brown and sweet tea flying all over my jeans and car door! UGH absolute disgust :-( Not to mention that my gloves were drenched in sugary-sweet tea since my nail decided to puncture the Styrofoam cup... not the first time this has happened.
Not exactly a winter wonderland!
But I get to spend the rest of my day with my lovely boyfriend, playing video games and recovering from my *illness* so that I can return to my regular scheduled program.
Anywho, how do you spend your bad-weather days? I use mine as an excuse to dine-out, spend money and take naps?

Awesome! I got lucky with the snow too -- my Financial Accounting exam was scheduled for tomorrow... not anymore :D
I know- that's the best right?! Are you an accounting major?
Just curious!
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